Communicating with an Inmate (PC 4570) in California
PC 4570: Communicating with an Inmate Legal Definition: PC 4570: “Every person who, without the permission of the warden or other officer in charge of…
PC 4570: Communicating with an Inmate Legal Definition: PC 4570: “Every person who, without the permission of the warden or other officer in charge of…
PC 37: Treason Laws Legal Definition: “(a) Treason against this state consists only in levying war against it, adhering to its enemies, or giving them…
PC 218: Train Wrecking Laws Legal Definition: “Every person who unlawfully throws out a switch, removes a rail, or places any obstruction on any railroad…
PC 653y: Harassing a Person by calling 911 Laws Legal Definition: PC 653y(b): “Knowingly allowing the use of or using the 911 emergency system for…
PC 244: Assault With Caustic Chemicals Legal Definition: PC 244: “Any person who willfully and maliciously places or throws, or causes to be placed or…
PC 243.9: Battery by Gassing in a Detention Facility Legal Definition: PC 243.9(a): “Every person confined in any local detention facility who commits a battery…