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Unlawful Sex with a Minor Laws (PC 261.5) in California

PC-261.5 defense attorney in Rancho Cucamonga, California offering legal services for DUI, drug offenses, and more

California Penal Code 261.5 – Unlawful Sex with a Minor

Legal Definition: Having unlawful sexual intercourse is simply an act of sexual intercourse with a person who is not your spouse, if that person is a minor (under 18 years of age).

For a person to be convicted of a violation of PC 261.5(c), the prosecution must prove the following:

  1. You had sexual intercourse with another person;
  2. You and the other person were not married to each other at the time of the intercourse; AND
  3. At the time of the intercourse, the other person was under the age of 18 and more than three years younger than you.

*If you are closer in age, for example, you are 18 and the other person is 17, then you would be guilty of a misdemeanor offense only, under PC 261.5(b)

For a person to be convicted of a violation of PC 261.5(d), the prosecution must prove the following:

  1. You had sexual intercourse with another person;
  2. You and the other person were not married to each other
    at the time of the intercourse;
  3. You were at least 21 years old at the time of the
    intercourse; AND
  4. The other person was under the age of 16 years at the
    time of the intercourse.

What does this mean?

This is what is commonly referred to as Statutory Rape. It essentially involves you being over the age of 18, and the person you’re having sexual intercourse with being under 18 at the time of the act. The punishments and the types of offenses involved here vary based on your age and the age of the other person.


If convicted of a violation of PC 261.5(c), you could be sentenced to State Prison for upwards of 16 months, two years, or three years. However, this offense is a wobbler, so you could also only face misdemeanor punishment, where you could instead be sentenced to County Jail for upwards of one year depending on certain aggravating and mitigating factors in your specific situation. You would be required to serve 50% of that sentence.

If you are convicted of PC 261.5(d), you could be sentenced to State Prison for upwards of two years, three years, or four years. This is also a wobbler offense, so there is a possibility that you could only face a misdemeanor sentence of upwards of one year in County Jail with this charge based on certain aggravating and mitigating factors. You would be required to serve 50% of that sentence. This sentence is more severe than the above based on the age difference.

You will not be required to register as a Sex Offender under PC 290 if convicted of an offense here unless a Judge determines you committed the act for the purpose of sexual arousal towards minors. This is why having excellent representation is key to avoiding your name appearing on the Megan’s Law website.

Common Defenses

  1. Statute of Limitations
  2. Insufficient Evidence
  3. Violation of your Rights
  4. Reasonable Mistake as to Age
  5. False Accusations
  6. Coerced Confessions

Using the common defense of a mistaken belief as to the victim’s age is important. Understand that the good faith belief must in fact be reasonable. If it is clear that you are speaking to a 12-year-old child. then you cannot later claim you did not know their age. Further, if age is ever discussed between you and the minor, then know that will come up, and you will be convicted of knowingly engaging in statutory rape with a minor. This offense does happen often on dating sites, where the minor misrepresents their age, and they look close enough to that age that it isn’t something questioned. This is a successful use of defense, as you did, at the time, have a reasonable mistake as to the victim’s age at the time of the act.

Call Today

Situations can happen where you meet another person who is a minor, whether it be through your High School, or Church, where you develop a friendship that can sometimes develop into something more. This offense is much more common than one would think, simply based on circumstances of people being in close proximity to each other. Although a crime, it does not have to ruin your life, and if you have the right attorney, you can avoid the potential of having to register as a Sex Offender. Our PC 261.5 Ontario attorney has successfully defended numerous cases and personally specializes in all Sex Crimes including PC 261.5. The initial consultation is free and we are available to answer your questions 24/7. Call theInland Empire Criminal Defense today at 909-939-7126! Located in Ontario, CA.

Lady Justice statue representing legal defense for child molestation charges in California.
Image of a legal consultation, illustrating Inland Empire criminal defense for child molestation cases under California law.
Image depicting a courtroom with a criminal defense attorney representing a client in a child molestation case.
Legal representation for child molestation charges in California - Inland Empire Criminal Defense attorneys.
Inland Empire Criminal Defense lawyer discussing California child molestation law.
Inland Empire Criminal Defense team discussing child molestation laws in California, focusing on Penal Code 288(a) details.
Image of a law firm office for Inland Empire Criminal Defense, focused on child molestation defense under California law.
Image of a courtroom scene illustrating legal defense strategies for child molestation cases under California Penal Code 288.
Image of a courtroom, illustrating legal defense for child molestation charges under California Penal Code 288(a).
Legal representation for child molestation defense in California, showcasing Inland Empire criminal defense services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, Inland Empire Criminal Defense prioritizes your privacy and confidentiality. Every consultation with our attorney is conducted with the utmost discretion, ensuring your information remains secure and private.

Yes, understanding the financial pressures that can come with legal representation, our attorney offers flexible payment plans. This approach ensures that quality legal defense is accessible for all our clients in Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles Counties.

Yes, Inland Empire Criminal Defense offers free consultations. This is part of our commitment to providing accessible and transparent legal services to residents of Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles Counties.

We offer both in-person and over-the-phone consultations to accommodate your preferences and needs. Whether you’re in Riverside, San Bernardino, or Los Angeles County, we ensure that you can access our legal services in the way that suits you best.

Our office is typically closed on weekends. However, we do make exceptions for meetings by special arrangement. Our commitment is to be as accommodating as possible to meet the unique needs of our clients in Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles Counties.

Our legal services are specifically tailored to residents of Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles Counties. For cases outside these areas, we recommend consulting to find appropriate legal assistance. Our focused approach allows us to provide specialized defense catering to the unique legal landscape of these counties.

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